
M. De Federicis (guit, arrangements) M. Manuli (bass) M. Fascioli (drum) R. Maggitti (t. sax) A. Di Bonaventura (tr, flug.) F. Di Giulio (t. tromb, tuba) N. Dale (voice)
Canzoni... and more M. De Federicis: guitars, arr. F. Mandolini: sax G. Pesaresi: bass R. Desiderio: drums J. Williams: direction, horns Orchestra Cittaperta
USCITA NORD - Prova d`artista - 2010 (Wide Sound label)
Italian big band Italian big band (Fone`)
Tango Seis - Hotel Astor - (Aura Music) - Pasịn A. S. - (Abeat Records) - Piazzolla meet Ellington - (Deutche Bank production)
Pessoa Marco Di Battista (Splach`s Records)
A smile behind the Veil Isabella Celentano (Wide Sound)
R. RUGGERI ORCHESTRA - Kramer Project - 2010 (VAP label)
R. Ruggeri (acc.) - M. De Federicis (guitars) Duo
- TERRE - 2009 (APA label)
- OMONIMO - 2008 - ISOLE - 2010 (Wide Sound label) F. Mandolini (sax), M. De Federicis (guit), G. Pesaresi (bass), R.Desiderio (drum)

IJO Interamnia Jazz Orchestra Special guest Bob Mintzer (Splash`c Records)
